Why this blog?

I’ve been working with web technologies since past few years. Most of the work was around Microsoft .NET Technologies. Few days back, I got a BizTalk Project to work on. But installing biztalk on my brand new server became headache.

Instructions on MSDN requires installing many tools including .NET Framework 1.1,2.0,3.0,3.5, Office 2003, Infopath, Share Point Services and many more. I tried installing all as per the instructions, but while configuring BizTalk server it failed. Finally I decided to search on Google. In addition to Microsoft I found many blog talking about the same. I found step by step instructions here, I followed it and it worked for me, hurrah!!!

This inspire me to share my knowledge with all, so others should not have to suffer a lot behind some simple fixes those are undocumented. And the same time, I decided to start a blog to uncover some web development mystery. I’ve started with this one to share my experience of the Journey through Web Development

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